
August Business Unplugged

The second Business Unplugged in the revamped series, will feature members of the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce and members of Whatcom Referral Network getting together at Flow Motion to network!

Mark your calendars for August 13th from 5-7pm, because you won’t want to miss networking and tours of Flow Motion’s beautiful studio, located in Suite 19 at the Carnation Oxford Building.


Ambassador Spotlight

Alyssa SpringsBeing an Ambassador is fun and easy to work into my schedule. As someone who owns a local business, but is not native to Whatcom County, meeting new people is fun yet daunting when you walk into a room full of people you haven’t met yet. That’s why I enjoy introducing potential new members around at Chamber functions. I personally love hospitality and making people feel at home! I also attend ribbon cuttings, open houses and delivering Member of the Month plaques. How often do we go out of our way to see or experience another member’s workplace? When you learn more about someone, it’s easier to help them. Volunteering at the luncheon registration table is also a nice way to help me remember faces and names. When it comes down to it, being an Ambassador for the Chamber is a great way to build better relationships and help those same members feel welcome, included and important in our Chamber community.

Alyssa Springs owns Flow Motion, Ferndale’s wellness sanctuary. Alyssa brings the mind body connection mainstream via complete wellness, not just through physical exercise and proper nutrition, but holding equal weight in stress reduction and relaxation.