A Word from the President
It’s been another exciting quarter here at the Chamber and it’s hard to believe we’re already half way through the year!
The Chelsey Ebert Celebrity Weekend, held in May, was a huge success, raising around $60,000. We couldn’t have done this event without the support of many of our members who, for the Trust, donated auction items and their time toward making the event wonderful and inspiring. A special shout out to our Ambassador team who donated over 50 volunteer hours to the event.
We have been adding many new member benefits, such as HRGear which provides a library of human resource tools for your business, as well as the Mentor Program, which aims to connect established Chamber members with other members who are looking for business mentoring. This is an opt-in program so if you are interested, please email Ann.
In July, Kelsey our Event & Program Coordinator, celebrates her two year anniversary with the Chamber. Kelsey has brought new and exciting additions to our events and programs in her two years here and we are happy to have her as a part of the Ferndale Chamber team.
Our next large upcoming event is the Ferndale Street Festival on August 26-27. This event sees over 8,000 people from Western Washington and Canada and features a Kids Street, car show, over 120 vendors, live music and a beer. Sponsorship, vendor and volunteer opportunities are still available so please contact Kelsey if you are interested in getting involved.
As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Have a great summer!
–Adrian Hilde, Ferndale Chamber of Commerce President